Duke of Cambridge Tart

Duke of Cambridge Tart is one of the delicious dishes that visitors to Cambridge will find to enjoy. There are several well known puddings associated with Cambridge. Burnt Cream  or Creme Brulee is associated with the  University Colleges.
The inventor of CS Gas lived in Magdalene College and experimented on himself ruining his digestion at the same time.He was advised by his doctor to eat rice pudding,. If you dine in this college on High Table you can refuse the dessert being served because there is still always rice pudding which was made daily for the ailing scientist .

This recipe is likely to be revived
  Duke of Cambridge Tart

          4 -6oz shortcrust pastry .Ready made from the supermarket is fine. Line a pie dish or flan ring with  shortcrust pastry.
           Preheat the oven.
Filling   3oz butter, 3 oz sugar,4 oz raisins,2 oz glace cherries, 2 egg yolks,2 tablespoons rum or brandy, grated lemon rind.
  1. Cover the raisins with cold water , bring to the boil, leave until cool and drain
  2. Put the raisins and cherries in to the lined pie dish.( add the grated rind of a lemon if liked)
  3. Melt the butter and sugar  in a small pan, bring to the boil.
  4. Remove from the heat and beat in the egg yolks and brandy 
  5. Pour over the raisins and cherries, bake for 25-35 mins, 190 C,375F,Gas5, until the pastry is brown and the filling golden
  6. Eat hot or cool with cream or icecream.
ALTERNATIVE FILLING:  another traditional filling is candied peel instead of raisins. 


1 comment:

  1. I found this recipe years ago and found it was great to have when I wanted to make meringues however as above I found no one liked it very much, so good idea but a bit of a failure. so here goes with this alternative filling, I will comment on completion regarding the comments I get from the guests.
