Travel Check for Singapore

I am spending the last few days before travelling to Singapore and Kuala Lumpa checking I have not missed anything vital for a smooth journey

Today I was deciding which medication to take and found that anything containing codeine is not permitted  in Singapore.This is a common ingredient often combined with paracetamol in the UK. I take it occasionally for back pain, something I am likely to get after a 12 hour flight- care should be taken with it as it is addictive.

My local pharmacy has suggested paracetamol with antihistamine as an alternative so I will take this.Hope this will be ok , I do not want to disobey local laws.

If I get arrested for this, dear friends, please get me out of jail.


  1. Hello Janet - I feel a bit of an interloper. A friend in Canada posted a link to your blog - specifically to the Singapore entry. So I then visited and saw that we have quite a lot in common .... so - it seems as though I'm your first "follower".

    A couple of years ago, my daughter was flying into Dubai from Bangkok. Their rules re. medication etc. are equally stringent so she jettisoned all her malaria tablets before boarding the plane in Thailand. Needless to say, there was no search of her backpack - and no questions - so she went to the American hospital and bought more anti-malarials (she was on her way to Africa but with a stopover of several days in Dubai). That cost her an arm and a leg but, in such circumstances, it is definitely "better safe than sorry".
    I guess that you could buy something for your back pain once you arrive. Have a wonderful trip!

  2. I would say swap the pills into a container that would normally be for generic stuff like plain Tylenol. Better yet, mix it up with half codeine and half Tylenol... that way if customs checks the pills you have a 50% chance of them seeing the wrong ones (the legit pills should be at the top of the bottle...the good and useful ones beneath!)

    If you decide to go the safe route and avoid the usual corporeal punishment from foreign nations, you could hold two pills for use the moment the plane stops.. this will give you a nice 12 hours of codeine enhanced experience.

    Personally I would go for my first suggestion and hand it to the security might double your chances of getting through if you get a guy to hold the bottle while telling him it is for a "womanly problem.... down there! (extra emphasis if you say it in the native tongue with an embarrassed look)

    I am certain that most security guards who are handed this outright with that kind of description would just glance at the bottle and hand it back to you!

    Good luck and if you get busted... I'll come visit you in the slammer!!! :)
