I am making marmalade and cakes for a fund raising event  in Cambridge.I have been trying recipes using Mamade and have a good way to make Ginger Marmalade using Australian  ginger from Lakeland with Mamade.
I also want a neat professional finish to the jars,Ryman's labels combined with templates downloaded from Avery give a professional finish.

         Ginger Marmalade

1 can   Orange Mamade--
I packet Australian uncrystalized ginger-- chopped into small pieces
4lb sugar
3/4 pint water

  1. Wash and sterilise 6, 1lb jars by putting them in the oven 100C
  2. Follow the instructions on the Mamade can adding the ginger during the boiling process
  3. When a set has been reached continue to follow the instructions on the can
  4. Cover with sterilised lids, label with contents and date made
  5. Store in a cool place until needed.

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