Mini Greenhouse for My City Back Yard Container Garden

This year I have bought a mini-greenhouse.I am so pleased that I have it .The weather has turned frosty with a bitter,cold wind from the north. The small sized  summer bedding plants  and tomato plants that I bought from the garden centre last week would never have survived but they are warm and well protected in my mini green house.They will stay there until late May when the danger of frost has past.

Mini Greenhouse in my Back Yard

The salad leaf seeds that I sowed 4 weeks ago are doing well and are ready to cut and eat.I have also  planted some hyacinth beans in small pots. These will grow very tall  grown up bamboo poles and have magnificent purple flowers followed by edible beans.

Lobelia,tomatoes and geraniums under cover until late May

Salad leaves ready to cut and eat

None of this would be possible without my little sentry box green house.
It was easy to construct and is made of tough plastic externally. The front opening can be zipped up for full warmth and opened on warmer days to help harden off the plants  inside.

Hyacinth Beans

 Click on this link to purchase this mini greenhouse:




  1. Thanks so much for the cold frame design and all the helpful ideas that go with it. Your plan has been downloaded and I am hoping to get something put together this summer....we'll see how it goes.

    You have some wonderful garden ideas and advice. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your nice comment.I have been very pleased with this frame.It is now full of ripening tomatoes grown from seed.
