Staying At Home, Corona Virus Survival for Oldies.

12th March 2020

Get Over it or Die Quietly? 

Any day now old Grannies like me are going to be told to stay at home ,keep out of the way and either get yourself well or die quietly.I have given a lot of thought to the getting over it option and I am going for that.Just in case we die I am making sure that I have next of kin, doctor and lawyer telephone numbers in a handy place for my nearest and dearest.

What about sensible  stocking up without panic so that we can stay at home without going out for a couple of weeks?
First, establish an account with a supermarket company that delivers.I have been using Tesco for two years ,they were brilliant  when I was recovering at home from knee surgery and offer a huge range of products.It is easier for older people to have this service and not struggle round shops putting themselves at risk of catching the virus from other shoppers.It also avoids public transport which is full of coughing passengers and snot encrusted kids. Sainsbury, Asda, Ocado and Waitrose are other companies who will deliver to you from an online order.
They can leave the goods you have ordered by the front door, that way you can have access to fresh food if you become ill.

What to stock up with?

Many people have bought mountains of toilet rolls.I am not sure why.

Think about what foods may run short.

As many people become  ill they will not be able to do their jobs.
Bakers may not bake, dairymen may not milk the cows, fruit and veg pickers may not collect from the fields,truck drivers may not be able to deliver to the supermarkets.
Will suppliers of electricity and gas,water and sewage be able to continue as normal? I have no idea.

Food I have bought in moderate quantities

home bread making kits
strong flour and yeast
long life milk
coffee mate
soft drinks
breakfast cereals
cans of fruit and vegetables
dried fruit
canned meat and pie fillings
fray bentos pies
ready meals for the freezer in case I am not well enough to cook from scratch
I have a small hydroponic unit in the kitchen for growing fresh salad
pet food

Cleaning materials especially those that kill viruses (Dettol products are good on this).
Enough laundry products to last for about a month including laundry disinfectant.

What medication to buy  is a worry. I have no medical qualifications so this is not advice,just a list of what I have bought.

Paracetamol, throat pastilles and some Olbas oil to use  in an inhaler cup.Although I have also tried to make sure I have a supply of my regular prescription medication my Doctor's surgery has just gone into lockdown, repeat prescriptions available today

Personal Care

A stock of items for  personal care must ideally include hand sanitizing gel and hand wash.Bath and shower gel 
toothpaste and oral care
shampoo and other preferred hair care products

Now I am going to have a nice cup of tea


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