We throw away more bread than any other left over food
Here are a couple of recipes from my mother's waste not want not style cookery books for you to try before you throw the remains of that loaf away.

Cheese Pudding 

4-6 slices stale white bread (100g,4oz)
25g (1oz) melted butter
2 eggs,beaten
300ml (half pint) milk 
salt and pepper
100g mature hard cheese (grated)


Cut the bread into cubes and place in a 900ml (One and onehalf pint)ovenproof greased dish with the butter.Mix the eggs and milk, season well,and pour over the bread mixture.Sprinkle with the cheese.
Bake in the oven at 190C ,375F.Gas mark5 for about 30 minutes until golden and well risen.
Serve at once.

Good for a light lunch or supper.


Osborne Pudding 

4 slices of thin bread and butter (brown is good)
1 level tablespoon of caster sugar
400ml milk (3/4 pint)
2 large eggs
orange marmalade 

 Spread the bread and butter slices with marmalade and then cut into strips.Arrange marmalade side up in a greased ovenproof dish.
Heat the milk but do not boil it.Whisk the eggs lightly with the sugar in a basin and pour the warm milk onto them stirring all the time.
Strain the egg mixture over the bread and leave to stand for 15 minutes.
Bake in the oven 180C,350F.Gas mark4 for 30-40 minutes until set and lightly browned.

Lovely with some pouring cream or vanilla icecream.

I prefer the crusts left on the bread for a crispy finish.


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